Star Link Communication Pvt. Ltd.

5 Ways to Run your Life Like an Elite Performer

5 Ways to Run your Life Like an Elite Performer
1.Carve our 90 minutes every Sunday Morning or night to envision , Create and then Plan the Week that is about to unfold.
 Imagine and create best upcoming week as desired.
2. Discipline yourself to get up an Hour earlier every morning. Most of us sleep far more than we need to .
Excess sleep robs chances to claim your destiny .
3.Focus on Best and Delegate the Rest .
Make a list of "What things you should be doing most of the time to create the greatest Result.
4. Every morning celebrate 3 wins from previous day or prior to that day .
This is powerful discipline to help you keep you momentum and energy high .
Connecting with OUR WINS in Beginning of DAY Sets Us UP for  SUCCESS .
5. Constantly ask yourself these 2 questions
1) Is What I am Doing In This Moment The Best Use Of My Time ?
2) Is This Activity Getting Me Closer To My Goals Or Drawing Me Away From Them.
If adopted , these simple ways can  turned individual from Ordinary to Elite Performer